We had a great time camping at Tettagouche State Park last week. We were about 200 yards from a beautiful beach on Lake Superior and hours of rock fun. We hiked to the highest waterfall in Minnesota and had fun relaxing on the beach watching the boys play. The boys love all parts of camping...hiking, roasting marshmallows, playing in the dirt, and exploring around the campsite. We usually camp in September to avoid bugs and the crowd, but with Charlie starting school this week we went in August. The weather was perfect and the bugs were minimal. We had a wonderful time....and even have made plans to camp in October. We're thinking of trying a camper cabin!
Charlie's favorite part of North shore camping is the "Banging Wall". He's been asking all summer about camping at the banging wall. He can bang the rocks for hours!
Sam's favorite part of camping on the North shore is the rocks! He loves throwing rocks into Lake Superior and even into the woods. If there is room to throw a rock, he will do it. If he's not throwing rocks, he's probably hunting for rocks to throw. He did take some time out from throwing to talk on his "rock phone" and eat marshmellows. "Hi, Pa."
" Really Mom...I won't put any rocks in my mouth."
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