Day Trippers...Enjoying the adventures
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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Watch Me Go

Sam is trying to talk all of the time. He can say about 25 words. Some that we hear most days:
"up pez, up pez, up pez", "hunree" (hungry), "hel pez" (help please), "ME!", "ah-ble" (apple), "hat", "uck" (stuck), "ock" (sock) Most mornings we awake to the calls of "Ma-ma, Pa-pa, up pez, hunree, ah duh" (all done) "beep", "pee-boo" (peek a boo), "be-be?" (where's blankie?), and "ba-ba Pa-pa" as he looks out the window to watch Pa go to work. Sam is a Pa-pa's boy. His favorite time of day is when Pa comes home.
Sam and Charlie love to help cook.


Cara Lynn said...

Sam has changed so much! Sooo cute!
I love when they start talking. Ava's thing is she says "no" for no and "nuh" for yes. So it always sounds like she's saying no. Doug says he hopes that lasts through her dating years!