Day Trippers...Enjoying the adventures
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Friday, November 14, 2008

Coming Home

A little brotherly love time. Sam and Charlie couldn't get enough of holding and kissing Benjamin on our first days home.

2 days old and going home with an
official name:
Benjamin Francis Tripp
Benjamin has always been a favorite name of ours and Francis
is Chris' grandpa's name.

Meeting the other "babies" in the house.

We've had a couple busy but fun days with everyone home. We've been out for a couple of walks around the neighborhood. The boys are both "nursing" their stuffed animals and love to watch me nurse. Benjamin has slept a lot and has started to gain weight again after border line losing too much the last couple. He was also borderline jaundice so we've had a home health nurse check in on him the last two days. It's nice that he has turned the corner towards chubbiness that will overtake his little body in a few weeks. Sam and Charlie were both 20 pounds by 6 months so I'm guessing Ben will be the same way. His bilirubin is also with in normal numbers now as well.
Benjamin was actually awake a couple times today. It was fun for the boys to see him watching them and I think they felt like he was listening and understanding their conversations.
Thank you everyone for all or your well wishes.


Stacy said...

he's just beautiful, like your other boys. Congratulations I hope you are enjoying your tiny one!