Day Trippers...Enjoying the adventures
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Friday, October 16, 2009

Ben's Surgery

Ben had hernia related surgery last week. It's not the easiest to hand over your littlest love to a stranger. A stranger who is going to fix your baby but will also make him hurt. A stranger who will have your baby's life in his hands for 45 minutes. We were the first surgery of the the hospital at 6 a.m. handing Ben over almost exactly at 7:30. I didn't hold him again until 8:30. The hardest part was hearing him in recovery crying on and off for about 10 minutes right after his surgery. The nurses had warned me that I would hear him when he was waking up after his surgery. When they brought him to me after, he was still tipsy and having trouble holding himself up. I just held him tight for a half hour as he cried softly and complained. I could tell he didn't feel right. I was so thankful to be holding him. It was such a relief to have the surgery over. We were on our way home at about 9:30 and a few hours later is the picture below! Kids are amazing. Ben was crawling all over the house, smiling, and walking around the coffee table when we got home about 2 hours after surgery. He had a couple tough nights at first when he was needing his pain meds but I'm amazed at how quick he recovered.


Cara Lynn said...

I'm sooo glad this went well. I was thinking about you. He's a doll, and cuddling is the best. xoxo