Day Trippers...Enjoying the adventures
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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas

Charlie is very excited about Christmas, Christmas trees, and Santa this year. On the night we decorated our tree he told us it made him so happy. "Now I know Christmas is near." Charlie is really excited about Santa now that Christmas is just around the corner. He has drawn pictures for Santa, reserved candy canes on our tree for him, and made gingerbread cookies with LOTS of sprinkles. (Sam ATE lots of sprinkles.)

Charlie was so excited to meet Santa this year. We went to see the downtown Macy's display, which was great, and visited Santa afterwards. Charlie went right up onto Santa's lap and Sam just stared. He did get on his lap for a quick photo. Charlie gave Santa a hug goodbye. I wanted to give him a hug when we left for being so sweet and gentle with all of my boys!
P.S. Doesn't Charlie look old in this photo...where has my toddler gone?

Merry Christmas to all of our friends out in blogosphere....we hope you have a wonderful holiday.


Anonymous said...

Sam looks so precious. A little Ray on Santa's lap! You have gorgeous children!